Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Forbes Sensi Clean vacuum cleaner

Almost all literate individuals today have computers or laptops at home. You will have to believe me if I say that keyboards are 'dirtier than a toilet'! Research has proven that most computer or laptop keyboards harbour more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat. This is but a fact. And you will be all praises for manufacturers who have introduced vacuum cleaner for cleaning keyboards. You cannot clean the particles or dust that get absorbed in between the keyboard following the conventional cleaning methods. How do you dirty your keyboard - not cleaning the keyboards regularly, eating at the desk, not washing hands properly, etc. Before you fall a victim of flu or other diseases, start using a small vacuum cleaner, designed especially for keyboards. You can bank upon the Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner. And Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner prices vary depending on cleaning capacities and types.

It is by chance that my eyes fell on the Forbes Sensi Clean Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner while I was browsing though the series of the various vacuuming devices. Well, it is not only keyboards but also other electronic gadgets like TVs, Laptops, ACs, DVD Players, etc. that can be cleaned using this Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner. Exhibiting a stylish design and premium look, this handy bagless cyclonic system comes with a suction power of 900mm of WC and low power consumption of 300W

Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner prices
suit the pockets of all. The Forbes Sensi Clean is priced at only Rs. 1990.

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