Confused about which Eureka
Forbes water filter to buy? Visit At this corporate site of
Eureka Forbes, you will come across detailed description including image,
features, and technical specifications of each water filter that the company
deals in. Want to know about the buying mode for Aqua Sure range of filters?
Visit any leading consumer durable, home appliance and modern organized retail
outlets. You will find your chosen Aqua Sure purifier here.
One Eureka Forbes water
filter worth mentioning here is Aqua Sure Galaxy. It happens to be India’s first
storage purifier with a cartridge life of 1 year. Yes, you get 3000 litres of
pure and safe water from its faucet during the year. And if you do not consume
3000 litres, the one year period gets automatically extended! Its toughened
body and aesthetic design suits the décor of any kitchen. Even big families can
go for this Eureka Forbes water filter as it comes with a storage capacity of
20 litres. It requires no running water. All you need to do is pour water into
it and it will do the rest. This water filter weighs 2.7 kg with dimensions at
510 mm x 275 mm x 275 mm.